I would love to know anything about how to avoid and or get rid of cellulite? How do you stay cellulite free?
Original question:
Hi, I would love to know anything about how to avoid and or get rid of cellulite? How do you stay cellulite free? Thank you so much!!
Hey, thanks for contacting me! I get cellulite too, usually on the back of my upper thighs and butt cheeks. There's a few different ways to tackle cellulite, both from the inside and out.
Try this cellulite scrub made from coffee, coconut oil and sea salt that deeply scrubs, massages and cleanses the skin
1. Exercise: Vibrational exercise and HIIT (high intensity interval training) are usually recommended as ways to reduce the size of the fat cells. Cellulite appears when fat cells are pushing against the outer skin layer and it appears differently for both men and women. By this definition, reducing the size of fat cells will reduce the appearance of cellulite
2. Fasting: This can also reduce the size of fat cells in the body. Fasting also allows the body a chance to detoxify and deeply clean out the organs (including the skin!), reducing the amount of circulating toxins in the body. There is debate as to whether cellulite is related to the amount of toxins in the body that are trapped in fat cells. I fast every other day in a 16-8 hour method (I eat from 12pm - 8pm only)
Start here and let me know how it goes! I've had success with all of these methods.
Further resources:
1. Everything You Need to Know About Why You Get Cellulite and How to Get Rid of Cellulite
2. How to Get Rid of Cellulite the Biohacker Way